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Introduction to the Inter Quality Assurance System – SAIC

The concept of quality research and its international accreditation and recognition are the basis of the creation of the European Higher Education Area (EEES). In Spain, after several projects for the implementation of  ealuation and improvement of quality, the Organic Law 6/2001 d Universities established a body that has the task of contributing to the improvement of the quality of the higher education system through the RISC evaluation, certification and accreditation of teaching, teaching staff and institutions. Thus, the National Environmental Quality Assessment and Accreditation Agency (ANECA), a body that has launched several guidance programmes in the design and implementation of quality assurance systems.

In view of this context, the management team of the CSM in Alicante assumes the firm and formal commitment to carrying out the diagnosis, design, verification, implementation and certification of the Inter Quality Assurance System. In this way, the CSMA supports its incorporation into the culture of quality and excellence. To this end, the Conservatory has the approval and approval of the ISEACV (Institut Superior de Artistic Teachings de la Comunidad Valenciana), on which it depends organically. Similarly, the Valencian Agency for Environmental Assessment and Prospective Assessment (AVAP) is being co-operated to design and implement the corresponding assessment and quality plans.


Policy and Quality Targets

The Quality Policy and Goals, as well as the Manual of Procedures of the Inter Quality Assurance System (CSMA), are calculated in accordance with all the official qualifications we impose on our facilities:

  • Official Master of Arts in Interpretation and Music Research
    • Itineraries:
      • Classical Music
      • Romantic Music
      • Contemporary Music
  • Official Degree in Music Studies
    • Specialities:
      • Composition
      • Conduction
      • Interpretation: Canto, Guitar, Instruments of the Symphony Orchestra (IOS) and Piano
      • Musicology
      • Pedagogy

We therefore set out the following general guidelines for the achievement of the quality objectives, which are the CSMA QUALITY POLITICS:

  • Developing and ensuring that the CSMA Inter- Quality Assurance System is maintained efficiently and effectively, with regular checks and reviews in order to achieve a permanent commitment to the quality and continuous improvement of our teachings.
  • Continued examination of the subjective educational offer of the degrees we provide, with the goal that can be adapted to the demands and needs of the interested parties.
  • Awareness of the need for their active participation in the outreach plans for training activities and, at the same time, involving these groups in the promotion of training activities.
  • Support and contribute to the development of the continued training of teaching and research staff (PDI) as well as staff of management and services (PAS).
  • To express the satisfaction of each and every one of our interest groups by implementing an information gathering system in order, in so doing, to put forward proposals and actions for improvement.

In this context, we are establishing the following GENERAL QUALITY OBJECTIVES, which will be regularly reviewed for the continuous improvement of our training programmes:

  1. Securely ensure the quality of the training programs of the studies being taught at CSMA.
  2. To have the CSMA hosting system updated for students of new income, the guidance program and the tutorial procedure.
  3. Concrete with evidence the system of recruiting new students by disseminating the curriculum and performing communication tasks.
  4. Renew the content of both the teaching that is taught at CSMA and the educational project of external, artistic and pedagogical practices, adapting them to the training needs of students.
  5. Properly adjust, taking into account the student training demand, the temporality of the subjects.
  6. To keep up with and to show the procedures for abundant suggestions, complaints and complaints about the teaching-learning process and its evaluation.
  7. Support for all initiatives that favour the permanent formation of the PDI and the PAS.
  8. Optimising the services we provide to society on the basis of measuring, analysing and using learning outcomes, labour insertion and the degree of satisfaction of different interest groups, guaranteed by the documentary updating of the procedures.
  9. Ensuring periodic publication of information related to training programs, with the necessary mechanisms updated and documented.


Quality System

CSMA’s Internal Quality Assurance System (SAIC) has the following documents:




Identification (code) NAME OF THE PROCEDURE-ANNEX Date Rev.
SGIC-P0-01 Internal Quality Assurance System of the Superior Conservatory of Music “Óscar Esplá” of Alicante 17/02/2022 2
SGIC-P0-02 Policy and Quality Objectives of the Superior Conservatory of Music “Óscar Esplá” of Alicante 17/02/2022 2
SGIC-P1-01 Process to ensure the quality of training programmes 17/02/2022 2
SGIC-P1-02 Design of official degrees of higher studies in music and artistic master’s degrees 17/02/2022 1
SGIC-P2-01 Process of defining profiles and admission of students 17/02/2022 2
SGIC-P2-02 Student orientation process and teaching development 17/02/2022 2
SGIC-P2-03 Student mobility management process 17/02/2022 2
SGIC-P2-04 Process of management of external practices, professional orientation of the student and analysis of the labor insertion of the graduates 17/02/2022 2
SGIC-P2-05 Process of management of incidents, claims and suggestions in the teaching, administrative and management activities of the center 11/05/2020 1
SGIC-P3-01 Process of policy definition, recruitment, selection, evaluation, promotion and recognition of academic staff 11/05/2020 1
SGIC-P3-02 PDI formation process 11/05/2020 1
SGIC-P3-03 Process of policy definition, recruitment, selection, evaluation, promotion and recognition of administrative and service personnel (PAS) 17/02/2022 2
SGIC-P4-01 Process of managing material resources and services 11/05/2020 1
SGIC-P5-01 Process of analysis of results. Dynamics for the establishment of improvement actions 11/05/2020 1
SGIC-P6-01 Process for publication on degrees 11/05/2020 1
Regulation DDNC Regulation of rights, duties and rules of coexistence of the Educational Community of the Superior Conservatory of Music “Óscar Esplá” of Alicante 13/12/2017 0
SGIC-P1-01-Annex 1 Template Teaching Guide MASTER 20/01/2024 1
SGIC-P1-01-Annex 2 Template Teaching Guide Bachelor’s Degree in Higher Artistic Education in Music 20/01/2024 1
SGIC-P1-01-Annex 3 Template Application Teaching Guide Master 20/01/2024 1
SGIC-P01-01-Annex 4 Template Application Teaching Guide Bachelor’s Degree in Higher Artistic Education in Music 20/01/2024 1
SGIC-P01-01-Annex 5 Teaching guide school activities 20/01/2024 1
SGIC-P01-01-Annex 6 PDI Satisfaction Survey Model with Training Programs 20/01/2024 1
SGIC-P01-01-Annex 7 Student Satisfaction Survey Model with Training Programs 20/01/2024 1
SGIC-P01-01-Annex 8 Survey Model PAS Satisfaction with Training Programs 20/01/2024 1
SGIC-P02-01-Annex 1 Informative document of the requirements for access to Higher Studies in Music 20/01/2024 1
SGIC-P02-01-Annex 2 Informative document of the requirements for access to the official Studies of Master in Artistic Education 20/01/2024 1
SGIC-P02-01-Annex 3 Application form for the entrance exam to Higher Studies in Music 20/01/2024 1
SGIC-P02-01-Annex 4 Application form for revision of the grade of the entrance exam to higher music studies 20/01/2024 1
SGIC-P02-01-Annex 5 Application form for the entrance exam to the Official Master’s Studies in Artistic Education 20/01/2024 1
SGIC-P02-01-Annex 6 Application form for revision of the grade of the entrance exam to the Official Studies of the Master’s Degree in Artistic Education 20/01/2024 1
SGIC-P02-01-Annex 7 Registration form Higher Education in Music 20/01/2024 1
SGIC-P02-01-Annex 8 Informative document of the registration process of the Higher Studies of Music 20/01/2024 1
SGIC-P02-01-Annex 9 Registration form Official Master’s Studies in Artistic Education 20/01/2024 1
SGIC-P02-01-Annex 10 Informative document of the registration process of the Official Studies of master’s Degree in Artistic Education 20/01/2024 1
SGIC-P02-01-Annex 11 Authorization form for the transfer of rights 20/01/2024 1
SGIC-P02-02-Annex 1 General information for students of the Bachelor’s Degree in Higher Artistic Education in Music 20/01/2024 1
SGIC-P02-02-Annex 2 General information for students of the Master’s Degree in EEAA in Music Performance and Research 20/01/2024 1
SGIC-P02-02-Annex 3 Information and Application for Recognition and Transfer of Credits 20/01/2024 1
SGIC-P02-02-Annex 4 Information and Request for Change of Group and/or Teacher 20/01/2024 1
SGIC-P02-02-Annex 5 Information and Application for admission of students who have passed the specific access test in other Conservatories 20/01/2024 1
SGIC-P02-02-Annex 6 Information and Application for Exceptional Registration 20/01/2024 1
SGIC-P02-02-Annex 7 Information and Re-entry Application 20/01/2024 1
SGIC-P02-02-Annex 8 Information and Request for Transfer of student record File 20/01/2024 1
SGIC-P02-03-Annex 1 Application student IN 20/01/2024 1
SGIC-P02-03-Annex 2 Procedures 20/01/2024 1
SGIC-P02-03-Annex 3 Student Application OUT 20/01/2024 1
SGIC-P02-03-Annex 4 Table of equivalences: by way of example Rome and Helsinki 20/01/2024 1
SGIC-P02-03-Annex 5 Table of our evaluation system (grade) 20/01/2024 1
SGIC-P02-03-Annex 6 Mobility Satisfaction Survey. Students OUT 20/01/2024 1
SGIC-P02-03-Annex 7 Mobility Satisfaction Survey. Students IN 20/01/2024 1
SGIC-P02-04-Annex 1 INFO Agreements Educational Cooperation External Internships 20/01/2024 1
SGIC-P02-04-Annex 2 Frequently Asked Questions about conducting External Internships 20/01/2024 1
SGIC-P02-04-Annex 3 PEX-01 Internship Offer Form 20/01/2024 1
SGIC-P02-04-Annex 4 PEX-02 Agreement Cooperation Curricular External Internships 20/01/2024 1
SGIC-P02-04-Annex 5 PEX-02 Agreement Cooperation Extracurricular Internships 20/01/2024 1
SGIC-P02-04-Annex 6 PEX-03 Annex Agreement Internships Form 20/01/2024 1
SGIC-P02-04-Annex 7 PEX-04 Student presentation 20/01/2024 1
SGIC-P02-04-Annex 8 PEX-05 Evaluation Tutor Companies 20/01/2024 1
SGIC-P02-04-Annex 9 PEX-06 Evaluation Student Report 20/01/2024 1
SGIC-P02-04-Annex 10 PEX-07 Student Report 20/01/2024 1
SGIC-P02-04-Annex 11 Survey for graduates after one year of completing their studies 20/01/2024 1
SGIC-P02-04-Annex 12 Survey for graduates after three years of completing their studies 20/01/2024 1
SGIC-P02-05-Annex 1 Form of complaint, complaint, suggestion and others 20/01/2024 1
SGIC-P03-01-Annex 1 Self-report of the teaching staff 20/01/2024 1
SGIC-P03-01-Annex 2 Teacher Quality Satisfaction Survey 20/01/2024 1
SGIC-P03-01-Annex 3 Self-assessment survey of teaching activity 20/01/2024 1
SGIC-P03-02-Annex 1 Template of lifelong learning activity for the PAF 20/01/2024 1
SGIC-P03-02-Annex 2 Evaluation template of participants in training activity 20/01/2024 1
SGIC-P03-02-Annex 3 Satisfaction survey with the training received 20/01/2024 1
SGIC-P05-01-Annex 1 Improvement actions 20/01/2024 1


Results Analysis


Suggestions and complaints

If you want to make a suggestion, indicate an issue, complaint or complaint, you can use the form below and submit it to the Secretariat of the CSMA or send it to info@csmalicante.com